Discovering Dynamism Part 3 – 3 Strategies to Discover your Dynamism

Posted on 10th June 2021

We’re passionate about helping organisations and business leaders find their dynamism.

We define dynamism as intentional and productive activities towards progress.

There are 3 elements involved in discovering your dynamism:

i.                 Identifying your personal uniqueness.

ii.                Honing then delivering your unique contribution to the world.

iii.              A determination to keep going when the way is unclear or in the face of several challenges.

1.     Don’t despise whatever stage you’re at. Success involves uncertainty, falling and starting all over again. If you’re at the stage where progress seem to be slow, try not to worry.  To offset, self-doubt, keep a journal, keep your mindset healthy and know that this is a phase. The journal is a great tool to outline where you are and measure progress as you eventually move to another phase of your journey.

2.     Get a personal SWOT analysis. An analysis of your strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats to your goals will provide a great framework for a work plan to transition to the next stage. It also shows a commitment to growth and self-awareness. This is a great start for action planning for goal setting towards more dynamism.

3.     Invest in yourself.  You’ve heard it before, to move forward and achieve more you need to invest in yourself. Discovering dynamism involves an investment of time and/or resources.  The realisation that you are the principal player in achieving your desired goals should mean that you need to be focused and rigorous in your planning. To build confidence and to forge a new path, you’ll need to consider refreshing or acquiring new skills. This investment of time and money will pay off in the long run. Another worthwhile investment is getting a coach or mentor. This can result in greater clarity, problem solving and measurable success. Another tip is to find a supportive network of peers. This can provide a community to provide insights, tips and accountability.

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