Strategies to beat the Blues!

Posted on 19th January 2022

The optimism and can-do attitude of the New Year can drain away if we absorb the headlines. The week started with a stark warning about Blue Monday. It’s meant to be the gloomiest day for health and well being. Negative emotions are not unusual on a cold bleak January day, but they don’t have to be permanently mood altering or damaging. We’re all aware from numerous studies that feeling down can have a negative impact on your motivation, well-being, and self-esteem.

Reflecting on why people feel down 3 issues seem to emerge:

1.     Overwhelm of work   - too much responsibility  

2.     Genuine life events - tragedy

3.     Lack of satisfaction with work – feeling uninspired

3 Strategies that can help.

i.        Prioritisation.

It’s easy to theorise about this but hard to implement. It requires a disciplined approach to assess the tasks which are business critical and those that are good to know but not time sensitive.  

ii.     Focus on our humanity.

 Sad life events happen to us all. There is nothing you can do escape this reality, but nothing focuses the mind on priorities and what really matters than a tragedy. Suddenly you realise that the most important aspect of our lives is the connection we have with others. If ever there is time to put people first, being it a family member or friend, it’s when a tragedy strikes.

iii.     Understand dissatisfaction is not a permanent state.

Analysing the source of the dissatisfaction is the first step. Is it really about a fundamental lack of motivation with the whole direction of your career or business or it it utter boredom with what you have on your plate? If it’s the latter, focus on completing the tedious task with iron clad focus and give yourself a treat after. If it’s the former, consider external support towards a new direction, prior to this start mapping out what it is you’re lacking and where do you want to be.

If you’d like help to start working on a new direction for 2022. Why not call for a confidential chat.  To arrange a confidential discussion, you can email In January we’re offering a 1 hour complimentary consultation. You can  book this here:

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