Opportunities or Obstacles?

Posted on 29th November 2022

Being diligent, organised and making plans doesn’t mean you won't face  obstacles. It’s fascinating to see how challenges are perceived as individuals recount their life experiences. Here are 2 case studies:

 Stephanie is a successful creative professional. She presents as strong accomplished and excited as she described ‘preparing for her next break’.  After experiencing a series of personal traumas, she’d had to relocate and leave a successful business. Due to the instability and chaos of the move, she’d spent most of her savings on housing and was more or less having to start from scratch. She agreed it was  a ‘major upheaval’ and ‘very stressful’, but she concluded she had to ‘make the best’ of the situation.  In her summary of her current situation,  she said she was enjoying the opportunity to regroup, find new reflective spaces to share her experience and reflect on what her contribution to this dynamic sector would look like. In the meantime, she was networking, developing new skills and friendships.

Cynthia was unexpectedly made redundant from an operational management position. A role she had once enjoyed but after 15 years it no longer challenged her. Prior to the redundancy she had longed for freedom to explore aspects of her talents that she feared would be unrealised if she continued in this role. But she wouldn't have contemplated  leaving certainty for uncertainty. Her redundancy package made her reasonably financially comfortable, so she didn’t need to work. She had  enjoyed the certainty of knowing how to spend her days, her fixed income and the routine of work. When asked about her new situation, she reported feeling ‘lost, demotivated and lacking direction.’   She explained  work was an anchor and thinking about new ventures was terrifying and unwelcome. She was losing friends as they didn’t want to hear her talk anymore about her 'problems'. 

You look at the  two case studies and you see how, it not always about the challenge it’s about perception and how you see your situation and the presenting problem – obstacle or opportunity?

Names have been changed!

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